Women in Horology
Foreword by Sophie Cassaro a.k.a. @sophies.watch.world
When Vincent asked me if I would like to write the foreword for Mainspring’s dedicated Women in Horology section, it was an absolute no brainer. After all, it was a profile that Vincent so thoughtfully wrote about me that was the catalyst of our dear friendship. I’m guessing if you’re reading this you may be passionate about horology or at least watch-curious, but what you may not know is the scarcity of articles written about female enthusiasts and women in the industry in general. It’s a world that continues to be a male dominated sphere, despite the fact that there are a wealth of women watchmakers and women working in all arenas in the watch world, including content creators such as myself.
Vincent took matters into his own hands and created a space here on Mainspring dedicated to telling the stories of incredible women, their relationships with these small mechanical marvels and how they became entwined in this magical place.
The ultimate goal of telling these stories is to be open, honest and to start a conversation, as there is clearly a way to go on being inclusive from a watch enthusiast POV, but also many watch brands’ approach to women as a whole. It’s a personal mission of mine to include both male and female wrists to watch marketing where applicable because it’s frankly common sense and as a woman I don’t have to use my imagination when looking at a watch in advertising.
Women deserve to take up some space and have their voices heard. So get yourself a hot cup of coffee and a cozy place to sit and enjoy reading about these absolutely fantastic women and their journey into all things watches. Enjoy!